Saturday, February 25, 2006


What is life? Most of us ask this basic question. Look around us. The bird chirping, the flowers blooming, the hot sun blazing and all of a sudden, the wind blows. All these including the physical form of the human race are life. From birth, through growth and deterioration up to the final moment of life called clinical death. Every emotion is part of life like the natural occurrence of mountain eruptions and earthquakes. In fact, all that is, contain life. In essence, we can summarize life as the principle of change in vibration; one event after another. Each unfolding is new and fresh.

The problem in the human sphere lies in our outlook where we normally see with the eyes of the past. Our, mentality comes from the past, conditioned to react with the past and the sustenance through the coloring of the past create conflict in the present.
In order for life to operate in harmony and balance, we have to limit our desires to what is essential for our survival. Whatever comes by, in accordance with cause and condition are seen to be temporary in nature, inspiring the individual to accept and harmonize with whatever living conditions.

As long as possessiveness creeps in to what is essentially instruments of convenience, we open ourselves to all sort of problems. The ‘me’ and ‘mine’ pollute the mind. If life flows simultaneously without the interruption of the self, life would have an order of its own. However the naïve self has survived for too long in ignorance. It is hard to get to the core because the survival instinct is to continue to promote permanency. By doing so, it has every reason to deny the void which the individual has created in the first place.

We do not know that the constant occupation of the mind through thinking and activities in the physical realm makes the void more apparent. That is why humans have this concept of ‘boredom’. Humans throughout the world resist this phenomenon at all cost either by doing or forgetting ourselves through activity. Of all phenomenon experienced by humans, the big void is the most fearful one. We had invented all sort of spiritual nonsense in order to escape from it thereby making the mind more fragile than ever.

In the course of clinging to our various rituals, superstitions and delusions, we create a gap, thus driving us further away from the truth. If we were to face this void bluntly without any sense of resistance, we would know that the void has a beauty of its own. A void when perceived as it is is in a state of vibration.

This is the beginning of creativeness. Life with creativeness is holistic for the flow will not be diverted through ignorance. The self is seen and the light of understanding will be the guiding force. Life by then is a harmonizing whole without getting lost by the separation factor of thought. Whether you take a stroll or sit in meditation is a matter of balance in accord with circumstances, this turning of life knows not about fear or death. It just moves on. That is the secret of life.


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